LankaQualityJobs is the Sri Lanka's online jobs site, lists various types of jobs from various industries and districts. If you are in the search for jobs in Sri Lanka, visit LankaQualityJobs and apply for the best jobs that match with your profile. Before start such job hunting and apply for the jobs, follow the below tips and hints to get the right job that satisfy you and suits you for the best.
You may be a fresher, just school leaver, an experienced person, a qualified professional with/without experience searching private job vacancies in Sri Lanka. Whoever it is, should start job finding process with a self assessment. Here are some questions for quick self assessment for yourself.
With the answers to above questions you will get a rich idea on what type of jobs in Sri Lanka you have to apply for. With the results of self study you can prepare your resume to apply for the latest jobs in Sri Lanka and proceed further.
Limit your C.V. to less number of pages, with resumes exceeding 2 pages recruiters may not get impression and may set free their interest on reading all the pages of the resume. Use inforgraphics and diagrams as much as possible to showcase your qualifications, skills, trainings, experience etc. Keep the job role relevant qualifications, trainings etc highlighted in your C.V., so recruiter can easily spot the matches of their requirements on your resume. There are plenty of attractive resume templates available online, a single and simple Google search will give you better ideas about preparing an attractive and impressive resume to apply for latest job vacancies in Sri Lanka and get a better job that satisfies you.
If you are trying jobs Sri Lanka in multiple industries (IT, Accounting, Hotel etc), and multiple levels (entry, qualified, professional, experienced), it is crucial to have multiple resumes highlighting your relevant skills, qualifications and etc. For example, a recruiter in a search for IT executive will not give importance for a resume highlighting accounting experience even the candidate has required IT skills set which is not highlighted enough to win recruiter's attention to get the job. LankaQualityJobs is an online job portal that lists latest job vacancies in Sri Lanka, with the online job site, you can apply for various jobs with just one click of "Apply now" button. Not only that, the LankaQualityJobs gives you a list of jobs you have applied, this help you to track your applications and follow up with the recruiters on getting the best job in Sri Lanka.
Using various online platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,, your own blog or website and etc, you may speak highly about yourself with recruiter in Sri Lanka. When including website links of your online profiles or blog or website, remove all unwanted and unprofessional posts, images etc from your online profile to get better impression and professional touch of yourself in order to secure the best and latest jobs in Sri Lanka. Note that, a professional photograph with smart dress code, fully filled about section, detailed employment history, detail educational history, some recommendations on your Linkedin profile is more than enough to give an impression to the recruiter on how professional you are. Fill your resume with network referrals and Linkedin profile and upload your C.V. to LankaQualityJobs and apply for the latest jobs in Sri Lanka with just one click via LankaQualityJobs online job portal.
Usually recruiters prefer referrals than direct applications, as the referrals are comparatively trustworthy than non-referrals due to the fact the referrals are coming from the people recruiter knows. So, it is important to keep in touch with professionals of your industry in Sri Lanka. To get references and get job alerts it is highly recommended to keep in touch your network among Sri Lankans and develop it further on daily basis and reach more people as much as possible. LinkedIn and participating in relevant Facebook groups are recommended to keep in touch with your network and use it to find private job vacancies in Sri Lanka.